Monday 21 February 2011

my baby girl is about to grow up !!!!!!

 this weekends training for Chilli was a big moment !

it was decided she was ready for full height 

 GULP !!!! my baby girl was about to grow up !!!!!!

 We started with a row of 4 jumps a medium a large a medium a large! She flew over them the 1st time with loads of space above the poles :-) 

 Then she thought about it a bit too much the 2nd time and nearly crashed the last jump!!!!!!!!! 
 this was followed by her showing off he limbo skills she was not going to be foxed by a pole at small height and a large height pole right through the middle no problem at all : - )
 I had to laugh !!!!!!
 all that head low work was really paying off............ head low can't  see the pole HAHahahah 

> any how we moved the pole to 1 medium 1  large........  NO problem like she was born to be an agility dog!!!!!!!! 

 we did some full height wing wraps

 took a break for while then HARD work for my not so baby girl !! while Claire did some grids with Wren 

Chilli then did some full height pin wheels only need her "baby gate" on the second jump a few times : -)
when she was thinking about her striding was when she was going under nothing a bit of practice wont cure

after that we did .............1 jump weave entries.......... again no problem,  I thought may be there would be but Not after the 1st attempt she was right in there every time bit too enthusiastic towards the end perhaps and popped out a few times but she is being really confident on them and i cant ask for much more than that at the moment!

I am ashamed to say that I still haven't got any video of Dooley !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I filmed some bits of Wren in the barn and then the battery died !!!!!!!! i was gutted as he was beautiful :-) I wasn't LOL

we had a course set up in the barn with loads of fiddly turns......... our lessons was all about our commands and our timing

i will leave it to your imagination how rubbish i was at that....................................... Poor dog !!!

some video snap shots


  1. She really is a big girlie now. I am a very proud auntie x

  2. Bless Chilli Bean. Told you so :-) xx
