Tuesday 15 February 2011


On Sunday I had 2 workshops 1 in the morning with Chilli which was motivation and moving forward
It is no secret that I pondered long and hard about whether I would do this work shop ???????
Any how the decision was made I was going to do it !!
The weather was awful how much rain !!!!!!! so spare clothes packed various different pairs of boots socks gloves coats hats ! all packed in the van (that is the reason for such a big van t is a bit like a mobile mountain warehouse !!!!!........if you have forgotten something I probably have a spare !!!!!!!!)
I collected Claire from Cullompton and off we went the closer we go the less it was raining : -) would it stop in Pawlett which it seems does have its own weather ………..WOULD IT HELL !!!!!!!!!

The 1st lot of exercises involved 3 jumps to tunnel and 3 jumps out of tunnel we did this on both sides YAAAAAAAAAAY for the foot ball boots !!!! my goodness it was a bit slippy not for me though :-P
We then did the same sequence but with a wing wrap on the last jump sending chilli back in to tunnel and the row of jumps home again.
I have to say today we really felt like we were working as a team our timing was spot on the and the wraps were lovely!
We then moved on to jumps in a circle and worked on out lateral distance thank fully Chilli is good at this and I was able to stay fairly much I the middle as again it was a tiny bit slippy if you had to run round the edges as poor Camellia found out OopS !
We finished off again with some relay races which are great fun Chilli and I were on the small dog team we lost but not cos we didn’t try !!!!!!!!
So WE finished the morning on cloud 9 WET but extremely HAPPY !!!!!!!!!!!

We then all bundled in to my van for some lunch and drying off time

Then the guys arrived Sarah Dan Chell Dani ready for our afternoon workshop which was Advanced Striding and Turning

By now it was proper raining so we did some warm up exercises in the barn, then off out in to the rain again!
Sealskin gloves are good but even then they can only hold so much water I really must invest in leads for wet weather!!!rope leads + hours of rain not a good mix?
We started with a line of jumps for us to go up and back I cant drive Mr Dooley ? after I have been working with chilli I have taught her so differently and it takes me a while to adjust back again ? Poor Dooley ! I forget still to him his left and right commands mean like right now! Not drive to next jump then turn ! he is getting there but I must remember to still be driving forward or he will pull off this was followed by some shoulder turns and some rear crosses
We then made an attempt at the ketchka turn every one else was really good at it We weren’t !i think Dooley still remember the time we did a blind cross and I kicked him right in the head he was not keen but we will give it another go as I could really see the merits of this
We ended the workshop with some grids I for one was pleased that Dooley was putting in some fairly good bounces, he always used to be terrible at this he never had the confidence to bounce even though he could of !
So all in all a very successful day
My dogs will always give me the best of what they have to give , sometimes I manage to get it right at the same time like I did with Chilli this morning Dooley however still has some work to do on me!!!!!!! though I feel he is to patient with me some times and may be should kick me in to touch !!!!!

So off home we went with the dirtiest Dooley you have ever seen in your life to a nice warm bath for him and me

WET , DIRTY BUT AS HAPPY AS IT COMES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are no videos of today I’m afraid far to wet we would have needed to get in Jacques Cousteau

Something for Sarah to Google LoL

1 comment:

  1. WET is an understatement!!! Nice blog though, and it was a fun day :-) xx
