Tuesday 24 May 2011

then all the way back down again !!!!!!!!!!!!

On Sunday we crammed the van full of dogs and headed of to Carn Brae did you know if you shove 7 dogs and 3 people in to the van its not that expensive J

So there we were at the crack of dawn Camellia , Pinto &Florence,  Claire Wren, JC,& Kai , Me Dooley and Chilli heading off on  the million odd miles to Cornwall ! 

We get there early as  we drive faster than the RAC man says we will !!!! But it does mean we have a nice parking space by the agility ring just in case it rains
I have noting to do 1st thing so I get to mooch around and chat play with dogs in the field and do filming ! J OH yes this week we have videos !!!!!!!!!

Well after hours of waiting it was grade 3 jumping ,Dooley was up 1st it was all going well when it was discovered we cant  count ? out of the weaves he came why ? that’s the million dollar question ? did I say go ? possible did I move away ? quite likely ! you decide ! we have been over it and over it and I’m still not sure, the only thing I am fairly sure of it would be my fault!!

1st set of home work noted 

Next up Chilli-bean I am a bit unsure of how to handle this will she go through the tyre ??she should do ? or do I run with her ad hope her directional’s are up to scratch as I will be handling from behind ??? right up to the point its our turn I’m not sure which would be best !
We decide on lead out there is only one way to find out if we have trained this tyre enough off I go I lead out I turn I move over just a tad so I can clearly see her and her me through the middle of the tyre wait till she is looking at me say go ! guess what right underneath !!!!!!!!!!! so there is my answer NOT trained that enough !!!!!!!!!!!!so I then sent her on with out me result through the tyre and my directional’s were good

2nd set of home work noted

 Then came steeplechase I so got in chilli's way  causing her to knock a pole

Had a chat with Toni about why and she suggested that I handle the top differently with Dooley which I did and he ran it beautifully but in all the amazement of me getting something right with out having the chance to walk it (pattern developing here !!!!!!!!!) I forgot to call him as he went through the tunnel so he shot out the tunnel and over the wrong jump !! I made sure he didn’t know that as it was completely my fault so as far as he is concerned he had a stonking clear round !!!!!!!!!!!!

3rd set of home work noted

Lastly agility

Chilli was up first she was doing a beautiful round till I thought I knew better than her and asked her to steady and caused her to knock a pole bit more faith required on my side I fancy !!!!!!!

4th set of home work noted

Last up Mr Dooley lovely dog walk naughty A frame really really naughty weaves ???????????? what was that all about the entry was the hardest bit and he got that ?

5th  set of home work noted

Keeping me on my toes that’s what that is all about! they cant be letting me think it's easy!!
 WELL not for long any way ?????!!!!!!!!!!!

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